Monday, January 18, 2016


Welcome to the Blog!

One of the reasons we love what we do is that we get to meet (and treat) so many wonderful people and have a positive effect on their life.  A smile is the window to your personality and we are honored to be able to help you create yours.

We would like to use this venue to educate you about the process of Orthodontics and how your participation can help us get the best results possible in the most efficient and timely manner!

But first, it is important to know your Orthodontists . . .

Dr. Danielle Panichella:
First, please call me Dr. Dani.  I come from a long line of dentists: my great uncle was a dentist, my father is an orthodontist and my two younger sisters are orthodontists, so it's in the genes! There are so many facets of  orthodontics that I enjoy!  I love the enthusiasm of a patient just beginning treatment.  I love being able to put apprehensive patients at ease when they realize that an orthodontic adjustment isn't really that bad.  I love the completion of treatment when the reward for hard work is a beautiful smile!  I completed my DDS Degree at SUNY Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine.  I continued at the Bronx VA Medical Center with a General Practice Residency and then went on to Montefiore Medical Center for my Orthodontic Certificate.  Outside of the office, I like to keep busy: baking, gardening and crafting.  I have even taken up some simple furniture building and refinishing projects.  I guess, for me, it's all about creating beautiful.

Dr. Jonathan Panichella
Everyone calls me Dr. Jon - it's simple and easy. I like simple and easy. I love what I do for a living
because I have the unique opportunity to make people smile more. How fun is that!!  I developed my interest early on in high school when my father, a physician, introduced me to an Oral Surgeon colleague in the Huntington area. I decided to work one summer with this Oral Surgeon to see if I liked it. The Oral Surgeon was so passionate and knowledgeable about his job that it got me very interested in the dental field. He was charismatic, successful and patients really were grateful for his skills and expertise. I was hooked!  I was off to college with one goal in mind - Dental School. In my senior year at Fordham University, I happened to meet this girl - her name was Danielle. I got to know her and she said she wanted to be a dentist (see where this is going?). OK-20 years of marriage and 3 kids later, she is my wife, Orthodontic partner and best friend. We went through Dental school together and received our specialty degrees. I obtained my specialty degrees in both Orthodontics and Periodontics at Columbia University. I enjoy treating patients whose dental care requires treatment from multiple dental specialties- to be part of a team that restores a smile that may be hiding.  My specialty education in both orthodontics and periodontics gives me a unique perspective on complex cases.  But, believe me, I love treating all types of cases and creating that end result of a beautiful smile!  When I'm not in the office, I enjoy restoring-well attempting to restore- antique projects.  I am juggling: a glass mailbox, an antique deli scale, a brass cash register and an old coffee grinder.  I guess I watch to much "American Restoration" on the History Channel!! I also like classic muscle cars and Lionel trains.

We have three children, Katie, Alex and Charlie and a dog, Bentley.

We know what it's like to be busy managing work and balancing family life (homework, sports, orthodontist, dinner).  We understand how hectic life can become.  We try to make our office comfortable and accommodating whenever possible and your appointments efficient and easy.  We are always striving to improve our techniques to provide the best possible treatment options and treatment outcomes.

Thank you for taking the time to visit ;)

Dr. Dani and Dr. Jon

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween "Treats" for your Orthodontic Appliances

Have a Happy Halloween, but also remember not to trick your orthodontic appliances.  Here are a few treats we hope you'll remember:

1.      Avoid sticky situations with your braces and aligners. Stay away from hard, sticky, crunchy or chewy candy and snacks. These include caramel, gummies, licorice, taffy, bubblegum (even the sugarless kind), jelly beans and soft drinks.

2.      Say “boo” to hard treats ~ including hard-shelled peanut candies, nuts or nut-filled candies, taco chips and popcorn (especially unpopped kernels).  And whether in orthodontic treatment or not please don't chew ice.

3.      Brush up! Sweets can cause cavities, which means brushing and flossing are more important than ever during the Halloween season. Orthodontic patients should be especially vigilant about brushing and flossing after consuming sugary or starchy foods and carbonated beverages.

4.      Spooktacular news: Not all Halloween candy is off-limits.  Good alternatives include soft chocolates, peanut butter cups or other melt-in-your-mouth varieties. The American Association of Orthodontists even offers orthodontic-friendly recipes for Halloween on its website.

5.      Make a commitment to oral health. Deciding to avoid hard and chewy sweets before the Halloween season increases your rate of success – and reduces the likelihood that you’ll break braces.

“It’s okay for orthodontic patients to enjoy some treats at Halloween,” say Dr. Jonathan Panichella and Dr. Danielle Panichella.  “We want everyone to have fun on Halloween.  At the same time, we encourage patients to enjoy acceptable treats in moderation, and take that extra couple of minutes to brush and floss.  When orthodontic treatment is complete, and patients see their healthy and beautiful new smiles in the mirror, they will know all of their efforts were worthwhile.” 

For more information about orthodontic treatment, please visit our website at